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  • Created people do not appear in game

    Trevor L.
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    I added some people to my game using the pre game editor and when I start a game they do not appear. I have attached my file, hopefully you can fix the issue


    Trevor L.



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    @Neil BrockFor me, it dont adressed in 22.2 :herman:

    I loaded the file into the editor, checked and then saved. in game, it does not work.

    Patch note said : "Unassigned created players". In my files, assigned created non-players are missing in game (for example, Karine Reuter to RFCU Luxembourg on file). Same problem fir assigned created players (for example, Tim Flick to Norden02)


    Edit : bug is when we have two files with created people. If one file, it's ok.


    Edited by lvlichel
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    1 hour ago, lvlichel said:

    @Neil BrockFor me, it dont adressed in 22.2 :herman:

    I loaded the file into the editor, checked and then saved. in game, it does not work.

    Patch note said : "Unassigned created players". In my files, assigned created non-players are missing in game (for example, Karine Reuter to RFCU Luxembourg on file). Same problem fir assigned created players (for example, Tim Flick to Norden02)


    Edit : bug is when we have two files with created people. If one file, it's ok.


    Thanks for flagging that it appears to be an issue with multiple files - QA have been made aware and will continue to investigate. 

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    @Neil Brock I would not agree its just an issue with multiple files - I've updated today, re-loaded my one editor file in the game, and I'm still getting the same results - created teams and stadiums are displaying in the game, but no created players or staff - and just to repeat, this is from a single editor file.

    If someone can load this file for me, and see if the created players show against the created team?



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    Can like someone suggest some kind of fix until then? The game is out for nearly 1 month, we got a patch, that didn't fix our issues, and correct me if I am wrong, most likely we are going to get a patch along with the winter patch.

    I am really curious, if anyone is testing the pre-game editor before releasing it along with the game. Apologies, if that's not a proper comment, but all the issues we are encountering this year are on another level and makes you wonder.

    As someone who is heavily using the editor for almost 10 years, I am very disappointed with the tool we got this year. Needless to say that some non-player roles are still not appearing in the pre-game editor since last year's editor (FM21).

    And yes, that comment answers to the fact that still you can't use 2 files at the same time that have people created in them.

    Edited by pr0
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    51 minutes ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    I can confirm that this does not seem to happen if you only have one editor file activated, but does if you have two. 

    For testing purposes then can you attempt to load only my editor file that I attached above into a new test game and see what happens? I seem to be the only person who can’t get this to work with only one editor file loaded…

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    @Neil Brock after extensive testing with the latest patch I can confirm that the multi file issue still presents. If I load only one file, all added personnel appear. More than one and they don't if added using the FM22 editor (if they were present in an FM21 file exported from the FM21 editor as an XML file, imported into the FM22 editor as an XML file and saved as an FMF, they do appear). I appreciate that you already know this but wanted to confirm that I see the same as the others to have posted. It impacts only people created using the FM22 editor.


    Edited by joe5p
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    40 minutes ago, joe5p said:

    @Neil Brock after extensive testing with the latest patch I can confirm that the multi file issue still presents. If I load only one file, all added personnel appear. More than one and they don't if added using the FM22 editor (if they were present in an FM21 file exported from the FM21 editor as an XML file, imported into the FM22 editor as an XML file and saved as an FMF, they do appear). I appreciate that you already know this but wanted to confirm that I see the same as the others to have posted. It impacts only people created using the FM22 editor.


    So in theory a potential workaround could be to create non-personnel in the FM22 editor, personnel in the FM21 editor, and then merge the two together? Not ideal but could work.

    Edited by BilalAli87
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    2 hours ago, BilalAli87 said:

    So in theory a potential workaround could be to create non-personnel in the FM22 editor, personnel in the FM21 editor, and then merge the two together? Not ideal but could work.

    Yes based on my testing but I only work with media. If I create non-personnel e.g. a media source in FM22 editor, all is well in that they appear in game (I have also flagged issues with the media module as some of the allocations don't work properly).

    The workaround for journalists (and any other personnel where there are issues) would be to do all your personnel work in FM21 editor, export the file as an XML, import it in the FM22 editor and save as FMF.

    However, in reality you need to do all the FM21 personnel work first, and then work from the imported FM21 file in the FM22 editor to add non-personnel.

    Personally, I would rather wait for a fix before trying to add personnel, as the workaround is too cumbersome at the scale I want to work with.

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    From my personal experiences, it has something to do with Ajax Staff created, i have spent extensive time on the editor, all my other players and staff i have created show up, but some of my Ajax Staff, simply don't and i had this problem pre patch and it still exists. 

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    Fair warning if you import from fm21, looks like the boolean value of "Has Work Permit" got flipped. So you'll need to toggle everyone who needs a work permit OFF to get them to have a non-expired work permit.

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    Have to say there appears to be numerous different posts and theories in this thread. Just to be clear, if it's different from the initial issue raised to this thread - PLEASE raise it in its own new issue so we can make sure it's picked up.


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    The issue exists with separate files running at the same time, but it's also there with merges. If I make a first file and add one player named "Player One," then I make a second file and add one player named "Player Two," if I want to merge the files together it will only load in one of the players.

    There are other people here (@krljenuska) who are much more clever than me with the XML syntax of editor files, anything I learn is just from google hits for their posts, so since I'm going out on my own it's possible I'm just wrong. From what I can see, the XML syntax for player entries has been shortened in FM22.


    the <integer id="nwui"> I have highlighted from the FM21 xml file would count up for each created player, I assume assigning them their in-game unique IDs. Because I can't find nwui in any FM22 xml files, I wonder if it was the system they had to make mergers and multiple files work.

    The CM03-04 database that I've been adapting from an original version by MadScientistFM is kind of in limbo. All of the players I created in FM21 or in the earlier games load in fine. SI delete person entries from the database every year, I remade those (700ish) in FM22 and merged them in; none of them load. But the time it takes to start a new game with this kind of unwieldy 30+ MB file is way faster in FM22 than it was in FM21, possibly because of this kind of change to the system.

    Edited by Ruh Roh
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    Did some testing on this last night (Windows version of the Editor) and here are my findings. I used 3 files:

    • A SortitoutSI file containing created staff. This file was created in an earlier version of the game by someone else and imported into FM22's Editor - File A
    • My personal update file containing 1 created member of staff. This file was created with the FM22 Editor by me - File B.
    • Another file I created containing a number of created players. Again created with the FM22 Editor - File C

    All created staff and players are contracted to a club. 

    Test 1 - all the files loaded whilst creating a new game. Only the people in File A appeared in the game. 

    Test 2 - loaded each file individually one at a time creating new games. New game with only File A, then new game with only File B and then with only File C. Each time the people in the file appeared. 

    Test 3 - I merged File A and File C into File B in the Editor, will refer to the merged file as File D. There were no Unique ID clashes, all were assigned a UID in order. However, this is where it gets a bit weird. File D was the only file loaded. The first time I created a game, only the people that originated in File A appeared. I opened the file in the Editor again and had a look around to check it had merged properly. Everyone was in there and there were no ID clashes. I created another game, the people who orginated in File A and File B appeared but the people who originated in File C did not. I was unable to get those people to load at all, despite File C being in perfectly working order when loaded on it's own. 


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    2 hours ago, metal_guitarist said:

    Did some testing on this last night (Windows version of the Editor) and here are my findings. I used 3 files:

    • A SortitoutSI file containing created staff. This file was created in an earlier version of the game by someone else and imported into FM22's Editor - File A
    • My personal update file containing 1 created member of staff. This file was created with the FM22 Editor by me - File B.
    • Another file I created containing a number of created players. Again created with the FM22 Editor - File C

    All created staff and players are contracted to a club. 

    Test 1 - all the files loaded whilst creating a new game. Only the people in File A appeared in the game. 

    Test 2 - loaded each file individually one at a time creating new games. New game with only File A, then new game with only File B and then with only File C. Each time the people in the file appeared. 

    Test 3 - I merged File A and File C into File B in the Editor, will refer to the merged file as File D. There were no Unique ID clashes, all were assigned a UID in order. However, this is where it gets a bit weird. File D was the only file loaded. The first time I created a game, only the people that originated in File A appeared. I opened the file in the Editor again and had a look around to check it had merged properly. Everyone was in there and there were no ID clashes. I created another game, the people who orginated in File A and File B appeared but the people who originated in File C did not. I was unable to get those people to load at all, despite File C being in perfectly working order when loaded on it's own. 


    Hi, metal_guitarist.

    You are spot on in detecting the issue and how to resolve it. After all, for my case, it's all due to the clash in created player's ID. After merging of players' data file, it's working like a charm now.

    Thanks, mate. Really appreciate. 👍🏽 

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    14 horas atrás, metal_guitarist disse:

    Did some testing on this last night (Windows version of the Editor) and here are my findings. I used 3 files:

    • A SortitoutSI file containing created staff. This file was created in an earlier version of the game by someone else and imported into FM22's Editor - File A
    • My personal update file containing 1 created member of staff. This file was created with the FM22 Editor by me - File B.
    • Another file I created containing a number of created players. Again created with the FM22 Editor - File C

    All created staff and players are contracted to a club. 

    Test 1 - all the files loaded whilst creating a new game. Only the people in File A appeared in the game. 

    Test 2 - loaded each file individually one at a time creating new games. New game with only File A, then new game with only File B and then with only File C. Each time the people in the file appeared. 

    Test 3 - I merged File A and File C into File B in the Editor, will refer to the merged file as File D. There were no Unique ID clashes, all were assigned a UID in order. However, this is where it gets a bit weird. File D was the only file loaded. The first time I created a game, only the people that originated in File A appeared. I opened the file in the Editor again and had a look around to check it had merged properly. Everyone was in there and there were no ID clashes. I created another game, the people who orginated in File A and File B appeared but the people who originated in File C did not. I was unable to get those people to load at all, despite File C being in perfectly working order when loaded on it's own. 


    I using a japan database and the problems that I have is.


    Won't  load my created guys with FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenes Fix &  Media Files, Ajax staff and Hesi and the JL Players and referees from Robbles Quin.

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    Okay we've got a fix in test available via our public-beta branch, so if you'd like to test this and feedback to us we'd suggest moving across to it. 

    The public-beta version of the game is opt-in and available via Steam by following the instruction below.

    - Open Steam
    - Go to 'Football Manager 2022' within your Steam Library
    - Right-Click on the game and select 'Properties'
    - Select ‘Betas’ from the left-hand side
    - From the 'Select the beta you would like to opt into' dropdown, select 'public-beta'
    - Click the ‘X’ in the top-right hand corner to close this popup.

    This should now automatically begin downloading an update for the game. If it doesn’t do so, we’d recommend restarting Steam. Once the downloaded has completed, launch the game.

    You will be fine to continue on this version until the next point we update the main retail version of the game, where both will become exactly the same. 

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    1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

    Okay we've got a fix in test available via our public-beta branch, so if you'd like to test this and feedback to us we'd suggest moving across to it. 

    The public-beta version of the game is opt-in and available via Steam by following the instruction below.

    - Open Steam
    - Go to 'Football Manager 2022' within your Steam Library
    - Right-Click on the game and select 'Properties'
    - Select ‘Betas’ from the left-hand side
    - From the 'Select the beta you would like to opt into' dropdown, select 'public-beta'
    - Click the ‘X’ in the top-right hand corner to close this popup.

    This should now automatically begin downloading an update for the game. If it doesn’t do so, we’d recommend restarting Steam. Once the downloaded has completed, launch the game.

    You will be fine to continue on this version until the next point we update the main retail version of the game, where both will become exactly the same. 

    @Neil Brock, I opted in and started a new game. The issue seems to have gone. Thanks for that. I have noticed that a different issue seems to have cropped up in that media sources have duplicate entries e.g. For coverage, shows club name or competitions twice e.g. Celtic, Celtic, Scottish Cup, Scottish Cup, for 'Type' it shows Website/Newspaper/Website/Newspaper.

    The duplication appears under 'type', 'linked media' and 'coverage', almost as if there is a setting that accidentally repeats a string output?

    This issue applies to all media sources when using the public-beta (including those that come with the normal FM22 build and no mod). The actual source appears once, journalists appear once, news items appear once but type, linked media and coverage appear twice for each instance. 

    I would raise this as a separate issue but as it seems to be to do with the public beta I wasn't sure if it is better here.

    However, the core issue from this thread has been fixed as people from multiple files are appearing as they should now, at least for me. 

    Screenshot behind spoiler.




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    1 hour ago, joe5p said:

    @Neil Brock, I opted in and started a new game. The issue seems to have gone. Thanks for that. I have noticed that a different issue seems to have cropped up in that media sources have duplicate entries e.g. For coverage, shows club name or competitions twice e.g. Celtic, Celtic, Scottish Cup, Scottish Cup, for 'Type' it shows Website/Newspaper/Website/Newspaper.

    The duplication appears under 'type', 'linked media' and 'coverage', almost as if there is a setting that accidentally repeats a string output?

    This issue applies to all media sources when using the public-beta (including those that come with the normal FM22 build and no mod). The actual source appears once, journalists appear once, news items appear once but type, linked media and coverage appear twice for each instance. 

    I would raise this as a separate issue but as it seems to be to do with the public beta I wasn't sure if it is better here.

    However, the core issue from this thread has been fixed as people from multiple files are appearing as they should now, at least for me. 

    Screenshot behind spoiler.

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    If you could please flag this in its own thread (so it doesn't get lost in here) that'd be very much appreciated. Thanks. 

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    1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

    If you could please flag this in its own thread (so it doesn't get lost in here) that'd be very much appreciated. Thanks. 

    Thanks, Neil. I logged it but then realised it was a steam workshop issue, same item downloaded twice, when I sorted that and only had one file it resolved the issue with repeating strings. Not an issue with the game or the beta update. 

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    3 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    Okay we've got a fix in test available via our public-beta branch, so if you'd like to test this and feedback to us we'd suggest moving across to it. 

    The public-beta version of the game is opt-in and available via Steam by following the instruction below.

    - Open Steam
    - Go to 'Football Manager 2022' within your Steam Library
    - Right-Click on the game and select 'Properties'
    - Select ‘Betas’ from the left-hand side
    - From the 'Select the beta you would like to opt into' dropdown, select 'public-beta'
    - Click the ‘X’ in the top-right hand corner to close this popup.

    This should now automatically begin downloading an update for the game. If it doesn’t do so, we’d recommend restarting Steam. Once the downloaded has completed, launch the game.

    You will be fine to continue on this version until the next point we update the main retail version of the game, where both will become exactly the same. 

    It seems that it's working for me too. Thanks for that.

    Got a question though.. If we give the files to other people (for example I plan to release an update pack with created people), those who haven't done these steps, will they see all the newly created people or it's only working for me?

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