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  • Greece Convert to Advanced Rules Error

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    When I set up Nation Rules for Greece and try to convert the Nation Rules to Advanced Rules I get the error.

    Competition Greek Super League 2 North has its parent competition set to Greek Super League 2 in the database but is not included in the child competitions list for this competition.

    When I try to test  the Basic Nation Rules, the same error is shown.


    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Add Nation Rules to Greece (pick Add Lower Divisions And Cups to Exisiting Structure)
      Click Test Rules

      Error Message is shown: Competition Greek Super League 2 North has its parent competition set to Greek Super League 2 in the database but is not included in the child competitions list for this competition.

      Click Convert to Advanced Rules
      Click Yes in the Pop Up

      Error Message is shown: Competition Greek Super League 2 North has its parent competition set to Greek Super League 2 in the database but is not included in the child competitions list for this competition.

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    On 09/11/2021 at 00:40, Luke Hume said:

    Thanks for flagging us about this. We'll get our dev team to look into this

    When will the update come out?? We are waiting for it to start our good save. !!

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