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  • Pre-Game Player Searches Show Blank

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Known Issue

    Description of issue

    Login to Steam via MacBook Pro as normal, open into FM22 editor, load 22.4 database.


    Click ‘People’ and all searches produce blank results. Can only see players details by navigating to them individually via Clubs.


    Can you help fix this so I can search for players using filters such as Potential Ability, attributes etc?


    Many thanks.




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    • Administrators

    We've got this under review already - thank you for flagging it.

    For now, you can fix it by clearing the following folder to reset your cache: 

    C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2022

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    I have the same issue, but clearing the cache does not work

    Edit: I did a search of C drive and saw there was an editor 2022 folder in another location. Cleared the cache there too and it works now. Thanks!

    Edited by alcoholophile
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