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  • minimum fee clause not working

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    keeper has a minimum fee but its not activating im in the champions league group stage  image.png.0f5fa804ba5d380b3d960a0acac32725.png


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    Could we get a save file to investigate this please? :)

    It's worth noting that if Genk are also in the Champions league, the clause won't be active. 



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    9 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Could we get a save file to investigate this please? :)

    It's worth noting that if Genk are also in the Champions league, the clause won't be active. 



    ahh yes can see genk are in the europa league ..still confusing though as it basically says clubs who are in continantel competitiion can buy this player for 18m......i never knew if the club who owns him are also in it then it dont count never seen that before

    is it only UCL? or does any european competition count

    ill upload the save anyway its called              Rob Evans - FC Metz.fm

    Edited by robevz
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    Ahh my apologies, yes, it'll be any continental competition based on the clause, so it won't be active while they remain in one.

    It's popped up a few times this cycle so I'll see whether we can potentially reword it and make it clearer. :) 

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    19 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Ahh my apologies, yes, it'll be any continental competition based on the clause, so it won't be active while they remain in one.

    It's popped up a few times this cycle so I'll see whether we can potentially reword it and make it clearer. :) 

    thanks buddy appreciated

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