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    Message added by Desmond Richardson,

    Please be aware that these comments were copied here from another source and that the date and time shown for each comment may not be accurate.

    Description of issue

    I was quite amused to see my striker with -112% of matches played64B6FA9E-C9A0-46E3-A517-80587072BCD3.thumb.png.4e57d5efbaa1c5cd7fd65b9a3027176e.png


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    • SI Staff

    Any chance of you sending that save game in for us to look at ?

    (I'm guessing there is a weird race condition involved such as him having been out on loan or something)

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    @Marc Vaughan Just sent it over! One thing I thought might have affected it was that I started the save as San Jose Earthquakes but chose Germany as the start date so I could jump in in the middle of the MLS season

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