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  • Contract Promises - Why isn't this offer "better" than what the agent wants?

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    Message added by Desmond Richardson,

    Please be aware that these comments were copied here from another source and that the date and time shown for each comment may not be accurate.

    Description of issue

    I'm playing as Celtic on FM 2022 XBox Edition (via Windows Store - bought outright).


    I'm trying to sign Patrick Cutrone on a pre-contact.  I have made multiple attempts to do so since his contract entered the last 6 months.

    However, I can't get past the "Contract Promises" stage.    The reason is his agent believes I'm not offering what he expects.   I think I am - indeed I think I'm offering better than he expects,


    I'm looking for an explanation on why this might happen, and what I could/should do different.


    Specifically, in my first offer, one of the promises asked for by his agent was "Win a domestic cup in 2023/24".  I changed this to "Win the cinch Premiership in 2023/24" which is a better competition to win (i.e. win the league rather than domestic cup).

    Since then, no matter what I promise, the agent is always unhappy that I've not offered what he wanted.  And I can't understand why that's the case.


    Some screenshots to show the problem.

    1. Scout Report - Note that his Transfer Interest is "Extremely Interested"



    2. Contract Promises when I try to offer him a contract now.


    NOTE: I believe some of the disinterest is due to repeated attempts by me.


    First question

    - Why are some contract promises in Orange (i.e. small orange icon next to them)?

    I interperet this as "this is what Patrick Cutrone, or his agent, wants me to offer".  It may be what I offered last time.


    3. Change the contract promises

    Now look at what happens when I change the contract promises (long-term aim now win a domestic cup in 2023/25) - this is what I recall his agent asked for first time I tried to sign him.



    Further Questions

    - Why do the promises now have a White Logo next to them?

    - Why do they remain white when I change it back to "Win the cinch Premiership in 2023/24"?

    - I also note it remains white unless I press "Reset"


    Fundamentally - it seems to me that changing Long-term aims for the club promise from "Win a domestic cup in 2023/24" to "Win the cinch Premiership in 2023/24" on my first discussion with the agent has meant I have no route back.


    I've got a save to look at too - Celtic-PartrickCutrone-Promises.fm - from just before this negotiation, but not earlier.   It has been uploaded to the ownCloud.


    I had initially thought to raise as a bug - but I'm not sure if I have just misunderstood the promises or the meaning of the coloured icons. 

    I'd love to have a route back for this one - Cutrone on a Free Transfer is a good signing for a Gegenpressing team (and he was a legend for me in FMT 21).



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    Hey @celticfan, thank you very much for flagging this with the team. This has now been logged and is with the dev team. The difference between his interest in a pre-contract agreement and submitting a bid and offering a contract is certainly a bug.

    Thanks for all your help with this.

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