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  • AI managers & match engine full of bugs

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    Hi im hoping i could get an answer to a non existant 'new feature' what was hugely hyped up when i saw new features to this years football manager. AI managers being more pro active changing formation to try go for it if behind or going mor defensive to hold onto a lead.ive seen nothing to what this new feature.


    secondly the match engine is the worst ive seen it in a beta..( ive played and bought your product since 2008 ) goal keepers are terrible/ i.e they act like there arms are made of paper/ they dive towards the ball way too early before the ball is even reachable on a one on one situation.

    Defending is beyond unrealisum.. they stand there like a statue and long balls just go over the top and the ball control of most players feels like there playing football with a snowball

    set pieces i.e corners i played 26 games and still havnt scored a goal from corners/penalities: far too many misses than goals


    shooting: 85% of the time when you shoot its blocked then it just bobbles up in air and keeper catches it

    i know this is the beta but if there is no incredible changes to the game such as match engine and putting in features such as AI mangers responding in matches by the release then i fully want a refund.


    Did you lead people into false sence of security with these hyped up new amazing features ( which some are non existant)  for people to purchase ? 

    Hope to hear a reply back from one of the devs.

    kind regards james


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    • Administrators

    Hello, thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it. This isn't really a bug request though. If you would like to focus in on an specific issue, you can make a new thread with a save file and some PKM's at the ready so we can take a look. :) 

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    12 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it. This isn't really a bug request though. If you would like to focus in on an specific issue, you can make a new thread with a save file and some PKM's at the ready so we can take a look. :) 

    Hey guys,

    Just want to say how much I agree with the fellow FM veteran James above.

    Zachary I understand you're looking for specifics to work on but even an amateur can see how problematic the match engine is! 

    Running same team/players/tactics between fm 22 and 23 these days and the difference is massive..to the worse!

    I'm sure the final result will be great as always though 👍 

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