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  • AI (non-existent) formation changes

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    When you hover over the formation in the fixtures screen it is supposed to show you how long in a match a team has used a specific formation for as demonstrated on the attached screenshot. This is totally inaccurate and doesn't reflect what you see in the match engine whatsoever. This information is then used in other aspects of the game such as analyst reports which means the reports provided as to how often a team uses a certain formation is completely incorrect.

    This has been an error for a number of years now but there was supposed to be an overhaul of the AI logic making them "more intelligent and savvy" therefore I would have expected this to be looked at because AI managers do not change formation to adapt to a match anywhere near enough and absolutely nowhere near the amount stated in the below graphic.

    What is the point of a second formation when the AI managers almost never switches to them?



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    I agree with you.. and i raised a similar topic .. It seems they are biased to their First Pref formation and will not even try out their second pref as a starting formation.

    My thread was put as "resolved" although no reply was given by SI...


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    6 minutes ago, andu1 said:

    I agree with you.. and i raised a similar topic .. It seems they are biased to their First Pref formation and will not even try out their second pref as a starting formation.

    My thread was put as "resolved" although no reply was given by SI...


    Yeah the screenshot you have provided where the analyst has said 4231 was used 16% of the time is completely incorrect information and makes that part of the report totally pointless as it is wrong. It is using the information that I have shown in my screenshot to formulate that information unfortunately.

    If the AI was using the 2nd formation 16% of the time then atleast we could see the AI was switching formation but the information is totally inaccurate.

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    Absolutely agree, am I the only one to notice that the AI is still exactly the same as last years? Where is this magic major overhaul? What does it concern exactly? AI managers still employ THE SAME formation every single game, they do not even rotate players always using the same 11, as I said in my post regarding the issue. And this should be realism?

    I feel like I have been tricked into buying when they have as a MAJOR FEATURE something that is completely non existent in game. I think I'll be returning the game this year, this is just ridiculous.

    Edited by abcdf
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    33 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, could you please send us your save file, so we can take a closer look, thank you. 



    Hi Zachary


    Thanks for your response.


    This isn’t an issue specific to any saved game. This is a fundamental issue which happens in every single match where an AI manager is involved to every single user playing the game.


    If you review the graphic in my initial screenshot in any test save then you will see that the information provided in this graphic is incorrect 100% of the time. This information is then used in other aspects of the game such as analyst reports as demonstrated above by andu1. The information provided in these reports is totally inaccurate and makes the report useless.


    The graphic in my first post suggests that the AI switches to their second tactic in every single game when actually the AI very rarely ever switches to their second tactic in the match engine.


    This bug has been in the game for years (I first noticed it in FM21) but it is incredibly disappointing that FM23 is being marketed advising customers that there has been an overhaul of the AI logic when this kind of bug still exists.


    Please let me know if you still require me to send you my specific save however, this bug is prevalent 100% of the time in any save.


    Thanks for looking into this and I await your response.

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    Also another major issue is that AI always picks player based on CA rather than PA especially on less important matches. They always play their best players. It can be seen by going through an entire season and looking at all the players in a team, their CA and their appearance count. 

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