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  • Worst team in the league has to play gegenpressing high intensity tactic to win games?

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    There is something wrong with the match engine. My team is possibly the worst team ever played in the top tier of Denmark since I got them two consecutive promotions with pretty much the same group of players since financially the club is broke. So, realistically speaking, to avoid relegation you want a solid defensive tactic that would minimize the risks and try not to concede as many goals as possible. And with such a group of players you would think playing safe, low block, sitting deep and waiting for the counter attacking opportunity would be the most suitable tactic, but sadly in FM's match engine this is not the case.

    Here is the 5-3-2 defensive tactic I used which I lost 4-1 at home. It was a disastrous performance, and the opposition were like playing against kids with our defenders. Ball over top of my CB, wingers dancing around against my wing back and CB, and despite working defending set pieces they still scored two set piece goals from headers. I also noticed that despite me asking my CB to play short passes with low tempo, for some reason they still hoof the ball aimlessly forward despite having a safe and open option out wide from my wing back. So, I guess that is also a bug in the match engine?

    Then I switched to a downloaded gegenpressing high intensity tactic, which I had barely half of the tactical familiarity, a tactic that asks my player to counter press with much higher pressing intensity and keep in mind my players in general have low work rate, stamina, anticipation, pace and pretty much everything else compared to the rest of the league. In real life, such a tactic used by a significantly weaker side would get absolute annihilated and exploited by a much stronger side. But somehow in FM's match engine, this away game I won 2-1 with a much higher XG and successfully limited the opposition's attack.

    This doesn't make sense. If this is the case, why would I ever use any other style other than just gegenpressing? Then there is no dynamic to the tactic creation, could you guys have a look at why this is the case? Thanks.






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    Can you share your save and possible a match replay PKM file? For me, low black works pretty well when playing with a weak team as opposed to gegenpressing but then again, sometimes stats like anticipation, stamina and tackling doesn't have a lot of impact which could allow a weak team to gegenpress without any issues.

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    15 minutes ago, TheAwesomeGem said:

    Can you share your save and possible a match replay PKM file? For me, low black works pretty well when playing with a weak team as opposed to gegenpressing but then again, sometimes stats like anticipation, stamina and tackling doesn't have a lot of impact which could allow a weak team to gegenpress without any issues.

    As much I would like to share my save, the save file is too large to be uploaded here. But here are the two matches replay. 

    HIK v FC Nordsjælland.pkm OB v HIK.pkm

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    • Administrators

    Really sorry you didn't get a response to this, but we don't believe there's any issue with the ME here. Our tactics forum and the various content creators who play our game are testament to the fact that any formation and style can work. 

    Appreciate trial and error can be frustrating at times, but keep tweaking until you find what works. 

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