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  • Bugs in set piece set up

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Some bugs have crept back in again when setting up set pieces. Raised this (IIFC) in FM21 forums and it seemed to get fixed. But whatever fix that was has either been lost or deleted now.


    1. Losing players entirely from the set up map (screenshot example attached, my CB has disappeared)
    2. Players on the pitch map listed as set piece takers and unable to move, even though the correct set piece taker is in the actual set piece taking slot (screenshot, my CM is "TK", even though the taker is STRC).

    On a related note, the long throws in this game simply do not seem to work, at all. The players stand in their (literal) map position, and the taker just hurls it straight into the middle of no one every time. And if they are close to the by-line, the player positioning is a little better but the taker tends to ignore the 'long' instruction and give it short.

    And I've also noticed that the 'Go Forward' positions seem to be interpreted quite literally by the players - they will go and stand in that exact spot (on the setup map) when the set piece comes about. All fine, except you can't customise that. So you just end up (particularly with set pieces on the right) with a bunch of players in pretty useless positions. Future feature: can we have lots of "go forward" spots all around the opposition box, to properly position the players?

    Screenshot 2022-12-31 at 13.17.45.png

    Screenshot 2022-12-31 at 13.17.54.png


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