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  • Players from other Squads don't appear on Mentoring Add Player button

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    My objective is to mentor some younger players from my Reserve or Under 20s' Squads by a Senior player, without changing their Squads. To do this i use the Add/Remove Reserve or Youth Team player to First Team training button on the Senior Squad's Units page on Training.
    However, when i try to add them through the "Add Player" to a mentoring group at the Mentoring page, they don't appear there. But when i click on Ask Assistant to Assign, they are assigned to the groups automatically. That's why i think its an UI error.


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    22 horas atrás, Zachary Whyte disse:

    Hello, can you please upload your save file showing this, thank you.


    The save file was uploaded with the name "Victor Pinheiro - Santos"

    To reproduce some examples. I assigned through the "Ask Assistant to Assign" button on Mentoring the players "Lenin" and "Thiago Balieiro" after adding them to the Senior Training Unit, which was not possible through the "Add Player" button because players from other age groups that i include to train with Seniors don't appear there, like "Edcarlos", "Diogo Correia", "JP Chermont" and others...

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