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  • Print Screen: Save pop-up automatically selects folder

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    When you are trying to save a 'print screen' to a text file or web page, the Save pop-up will automatically select a folder in your default save location.


    The folder highlighted is the first folder listed alphabetically in your default save location - in this case, the "avatars" folder. When I deleted the "avatars" folder and then tried again, it highlighted the "crash dumps" folder instead.

    This is a little annoying, as it means you have to manually deselect this folder or change the file name before you can save the file. If I only wanted to save a single file as 'Untitled' and then instinctively clicked where the Save icon would be, it would instead open up a folder that I might not want to save it in, and I'd have to go back. It would be more straightforward if nothing was highlighted by default.

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Load any save game.
    • Click on the FM icon at the top of the screen.
    • Click Print Screen.
    • Select either Web Page or Text File and then click OK.

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