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  • Scouting Rec list view column size.

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Small, issue, but relevant when you are trying to make a good condensed list view.
    In all list views the "Scouting Recommendation" column field width cannot be resized to something more reflective of its actual space. (image attached)
    It always stays at about twice the size of the tooltip/image/text

    Also, I'm having repeated trouble with resizing and organizing columns in list views, but I'm not sure how best to demonstrate the problem. Is there a preferred way to share/post short videos? I don't see any in the posting guidelines.

    Scout Rec.PNG


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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for raising this with us. We are going to need some video recordings so we can see the steps to reproduce these issues. Can you let us know if you need any help/guidance with recording and sending that over to us?


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    Hi @Abdullah Patelthis has been an incredibly frustrating problem in FM for years! So I'm certainly hoping I can help get it fixed.

    I uploaded a short video to the cloud service showing me trying to resize some columns and not being able to file: "resizecolumn1.mkv"

    For some reason, the game seems to repeatedly "lock on" to a certain column and then everything moves in relation to that column.

    In this example, you can see that the "position" column keeps resizing even though I am attempting to adjust other columns in the list.

    Please confirm that this video works for you and I can then record and provide other examples.

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