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  • Too Uncomfortable Display on Match Interface

    Dr. Alessio Q.H.
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    As is shown in this screenshot(where the red arrow is pointing),

    There exist a new display on the bottom left of the match interface.

    I don't know if it is wrong setted or designed for this HIGH-CONTRAST blue color, but it is sooooooo uncomfortable for my eyes and it seems too hard to see it clearly as well.

    P.S. This match is one of my Italian SerieA matches, but this color seems to be for UCL?

    (I'm sorry that i forgot to turn into English version when taking this screenshot and I hope it won't make a big influence)



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    Ahhhh I'm so sorry for my wrong expression


    This match is one of my Italian SerieA matches, but this color seems to be for UCL?

    I mean that this issue happens in my league matches as well.:ackter:  

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