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  • 18 year old regen player seems unrealistically unprofessional for his visible stats?

    James Oakman
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue


    Sorry to add to your workload but I've been dealing with an incredibly frustrating loan player and I'm not at the point that this must be caused by a bug.

    I loaned an 18 year old decent prospect from Man City, his personality is balanced, he's getting playing time, his scout report said he was a committed player who would adapt to the country etc., and yet since loaning him he is frequently missing training (when he is training it's usually around the 5.5 rating), he has missed games and training from going out clubbing and absolutely hates me and whenever I talk to him about anything. It's always a negative response to the point I couldn't even say well done on his first cap for Mexico without it being an argument. He's not been with me longer than 4 months and it's a loan from hell that I can't even cancel because of the loan terms and he's using one of my 4 non-EU player slots. Also, he's the only person on my team that is disappointed about low collective win bonuses when they are set at the middle option as I couldn't afford to go high, which also suggests something has gone wrong.

    If it's an intended feature of the game with regens that can spiral, then fair enough, I'll swallow it and push through, but this seems to be on the extreme end of a realistic experience of even the most chaotic players, surely? Especially for a player that's supposedly a balanced, committed personality.





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