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  • Do the major African nations generate newgens at all anymore?

    Ruh Roh
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    I'm running a holiday save with a large database and about 35 leagues loaded, I'm in January of 2025 and looking through the national youth teams and the youth intake tab, countries like Nigeria, Egypt, Algeria and the Ivory Coast haven't generated a single player. In the same period of time I've seen newgen crops for North Korea, the Solomon Islands,  Bermuda and some of the very obscure African countries. I think I've seen this explained as working as intended for FM22 and maybe FM21, but if it's a design choice I think it's a very poor one.

    Is the game looking at all the dual-national players from England and wherever else and basically saying, well we have our quota of Nigerians? Because to me, a player who comes up through an English club's facilities and plays for its youth teams should just be counted as English for this kind of purpose. And it's only natural that there are more English-Nigerians coming into clubs as 15 year olds than there are retiring as 35 year olds. Is it an artificial difficulty thing, that there were past FMs where it was too easy for a human player to scoop up everyone from ASEC and those kinds of clubs? 


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    1 hour ago, Kyle Brown said:

    As it stands this is working as intended, but we'll continually monitor it to see if we can make changes going forward. 

    OK, cool. I don't want to be too difficult but can I ask SI for a refund? I have more than 2 hours logged, but it was just from leaving the game on holiday and checking out things like this and MLS; I never signed a player or played a match.

    I just assumed this would be fixed, that it was self-evidently ridiculous for a football simulation to assume that zero players of an average professional quality would stay in Africa past the age of 16. My bad

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    I know it’s a different game, but on Fm2020 I took the Nigeria u20 job for a bit of fun about 8 years into a save, when I looked at the national pool all I could pick from was players in England with Nigerian eligibility. Not a single Nigerian generated in Nigeria. When you look in real life, lots of Nigerians begin their careers in the Nigeria League. This was the same for Ghana, Cameroon etc and it was really annoying, so I guess this hasn’t changed 2 years later


    I also note as you say, countries like Mozambique, Burkina Faso were generating local based players

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