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  • Finances make no sense

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    This has been an issue as long as I can remember in any country that's not England so I don't expect it to be fixed... The finances of other leagues make zero sense. In some countries like for example Mexico and Chile, the teams will make tens of millions in profit every year without even trying, and others like for example Argentina and Ireland you'll lose hundreds of thousands if not millions every year even if you have 0 on your wage bill, and the owners have to bail you out every year. It's been like this for as long as I can remember so I assume either SI are trying to fix it or just don't care.


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    If we're to look into this, we'd need some save games as well as named team examples, if you'd be able to provide them please?


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    "upload a save game". :/ Alternatively, you can just load a game with any league not England and see the projected finances. Or simulate even one or two season and see that some leagues profit millions by default and some don't. I challenge you to load the Mexican league, and explain why every team profits tens of millions every season without trying. It's been like this for years. Sometimes I wonder if you even test most leagues... What's the point of even having them playable, or having a forum to suggest bugs if you ignore the most obvious ones. If I play in my native Norway, my town of 8000 people will have a 20000 seat stadium by 2050 with no effort. The reserve teams will dominate the third tier, cause the teams are so rich that they hoard players. I haven't even played a long term save in maybe five years and I bought every game since fm10. There's no challenge anymore. 

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    • Administrators

    For me to pass this along to the testing and development team, I'd need to have a specific example for them to investigate, which is why I need a save game from you to take this to the next step. 

    There hasn't been widespread complaints about this, so the issue(s) you're referring to may be specific to the set up you use for your same games - there's no guarantee if they start from fresh that they'll encounter exactly the same, in which case they'd say there isn't a bug and close this off. 

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