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  • Finances Mysteriously Multiply by 20x

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    Playing in the Northern Irish Intermediate. Loaded the game and, all of a sudden, all the financial values have multiplied by 20. Payroll used to be $77K a year. Now it is almost $1.5 million. Same thing for all salaries and transfer values. It was fine this afternoon and just all of a sudden happened.

    Game file is named Promotion Hunter.


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    More info: I use an external hard drive to play the game since I move around. This is only happening on one computer of the two I use most often. I uninstalled and re-installed the game, and it is still happening. It affects all my save games, not just the one I loaded. On the other computer, the figures are back to normal. 

    Edited by brianshea68
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    I think this is solved. Somehow, the preferences on one machine were set to Mexican pesos, but listed a dollar sign. Switched back to dollars, and I was fine. User error (somehow, I have no idea how!)

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