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  • one weak poor performance fine deduct money worth of about 1 month.

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    Description of issue


    As title says, when I penalise my players for poor performance, money that is deducted from my expenditures total for almost whole month rather than one week.

    I had three players with poor performance. Monthly income as: 54.5k + 19.5k + 41k  = 115k - that is their total monthly income, they get fined for one week for poor performance and my statement says that me player wages are
    -(negative) 106.3k.

    Also I have a question, as that may be bug, or just my lack of observations skill. When I "improve youth recruitment" through board request. Into which category cost from that increased recruitment goes? Into "youth setup"? as if that is the case then improving youth recruitment is either superb cheap or cost nothing at all. Although as I said, maybe costs increased somewhere else and I did not noticed it. 

    Save name: performance fines



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