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  • Training Report does not reflect Position-Role-Duty selection

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue


    No rush to resolve.  Just a bug FYI.  May have an impact on my game, but unlikely it'll have a major one.



    On the Training > Individual sheet the last position my player is listed-circled as playing on the 'Training Position' chart is 'AM-R'.  The Position-Role-Duty selected for that player is also 'AM-R - Playing Position'.  However, the Training Report at the middle bottom of that sheet says my coach has him now training as 'right back'.  See attached image.


    What I have done to attempt to resolve, to no affect:

    -I have downloaded the final update and created a new save and loaded that save (but I honestly don't know if that caused the problem or not b/c it's been 2 weeks since I've played).

    -I tried switching his 'Position-Role-Duty' to something else to see if that would prompt a change on the 'Training Report'.

    -I tried switching the coach to see if another coach would say the same thing, some of them do.

    -I tried continuing to the next day to see if the error would persist.


    Potential causes:

    -As he is a 21 Fringe player I may have manually selected him as a player in the last U21 game (at the Inbox prompt screen whenever it last popped up offering that suggestion).  The coach may have assigned him as a RB in that U21 game, and that is what the Training Report may be pulling from (because 'Position-Role-Duty' 'general' choice is usually a reflection of the last position played).

    -See the parenthetical note in my first resolution item above.



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