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  • Unable to Hand Over Individual Training to Staff

    Asaylus Soul
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    So I like to take control of individual training for players under the age of 24, but leave the rest to the assistant manager. In order to do so, I delegate the individual training to staff, but set individual training for all my players under age 24. To do so, I change the additional focus, and I receive a pop-up message asking if I want to take control of individual training for all players, for just this player, or for this player for 1 month.

    What I do is choose the "take control of individual training for just this player". The problem is, after I do this, there is no toggle to hand over this player's individual training back to staff. What this means is, once I take control of this player's individual training, I am stuck with setting his additional focus for the rest of his career in my club. 

    I feel like I've checked every menu, button and right clicks, and cannot find a way to revert individual training for this player back to staff. I know on the console/classic versions, there is a toggle on the player's training menu, but not on the PC version. I've also noticed a few posts on other forums asking this same question but with no resolution, so I know I'm not the only one facing this issue.

    Thanks for reading and looking forward to your response!


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    • Administrators

    Thanks for the save file, we'll investigate and see if there's anything we can do ahead of future versions to improve this. 

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    I'm also having this issue
    Any player that I ever took control over his individual training/position won't be touched by my staff again even if I "reset" the control in Staff Responsibilities > Training

    Wish this could be fixed or at least add the option in the next FM like OP asked


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    Same issue here and it's been like this for the past couple of versions, so you people need to fix this, STOP avoiding the issue....and get it sorted.

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