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  • AI Randomly Adding New Leagues To Save

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    I've reached June of 2025 in my save & have been using the same selection of leagues, since the start. However, I recently added Belarus to the selection, but that was all.


    When the game ticks over into June 25th, the full quota of Scottish leagues is added to my save, despite me not asking for them, in the Add/Remove Leagues section. Further to this, the top two tiers of Romania are added, on July 1st - again, not requested by myself. Is there any way to stop this from happening or am I stuck with these for a season, until I can remove them? The same issue happened with Bulgaria, but I missed it originally & the date it appeared.


    I'm playing a Journeyman save, so am very aware of what jobs are available & what leagues have been loaded. The issue first popped up, when I was randomly offered a bunch of interviews, with Scottish clubs.


    Here are screenshots of the league selections, from June 24th / 25th & July 1st. I've also loaded my save file, titled 'League Issue 24-06-2025.fm', to the SI Cloud Service.

    June 24th



    June 25th



    July 1st



    I did try to manually add both leagues, on June 24th, to then progress part of the day & go back & remove them again, in the hope that'd fix it. Scotland got delayed by a day, but Romania appeared as 'scheduled.' While the leagues in question don't appear on the June 24th list, I did previously try adding Scotland, to see what impact it would have on computer performance & game speed. However, this was never 'confirmed', as I'd then re-load my save, to before I added them.


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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