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  • All staff and many players retired

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Open Save Game: Gerard Membrado - En paro - Yenisey

    Description of issue

    Hi there!

    I was playing normally when, suddenly, I get +90 mails in my inbox. Most of them to say that all my staff and many players retired (notice that most of them were less than 20yo. In the crew page, all employments appear like 0/0 (i.e. 0/0 doctors) so is not only that staff is gone, also the vacants are gone. The club board is also gone. I get no errors, no signals that something were going wrong. Even I had some signing with future date. I even had an appointment for a friendly match...

    This was my 3rd or 4th season ingame and I reached Jul 25th 2026 when this occured.

    Do you have any information on this bug? If you need much detailed information just ask, I'll try to provide as much details as I can

    Thankyou in advance 

    PS. I apologise for my bad english, I'm not native...


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    Hello again,

    I kept reviewing in order to find some relevant details and I found the following. The bug occurs when the data for the new season is loaded. As soon as it load the new calendar, matches, teams, etc... there's a massive retirement of players, staff, club board, even players of other teams... Massive

    I hope this detail can help a little more to find out whats happening.

    Thanks a lot,



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