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  • Issue turning Professional in Wales.

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    Hello, I've been doing a save in Wales for the beta and started as the Semi-Pro team Llandudno, I'm onto the third season and since I saw my projections all looked very healthy I figured I'd gamble on asking the board about turning Pro, expecing to get rejected at this usually takes a while to do in Wales but encountered a few issues? along the way, I'll paint a little timeline to help.


    4th May - I ask the board if we can turn Pro

    5th May - For the first time ever in FM in Wales, the board then approached me with the club improvement of turning the club professional to which I accepted.

    6th May - The board then message me telling me my suggestiong to turn Pro has been rejected but I can fight for my case, which I do and surprisingly they agree at my first rebuttal using the "Full Time to help develop players option"

    After this, I then had two seperate emails telling me the club plan to turn Pro and I will find out by June 24 and June 25, and even have two instances of planning Pro status in my Board Requests section. So, I play on and when the turn over happened on the 24th of June, the club has turned professional. Hurray. However, this is when more issues popped up.

    I can offer Full Time contracts, but my team still only trains on a part-time schedual and I can't change this. I have even recieved an e-mail about my Youth training schedual that showed a full time training week, but when I go look at the U19 training that also still shows at Part Time. I have a feeling this might have been because because the club turned Professional after the 24/25 pre-season in Wales technically started due to UCL/UECL qualifiers.





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    Typically I go forward one more day and it sort of resolves its self, I got another email about training updates and now the full pro schedual is in effect, just the first couple of weeks were missing. x.x

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    • Administrators

    If you have a save file prior to the 24th of June we'll look to investigate this, but glad to know it's resolved itself now. :)



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