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  • Job History, Season Review Presentations and Inexplicable Timeline Entries

    Heilan Coo
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Ever since the winter update the areas of job history, season reviews and spurious timeline entries have been killing the immersion of the game.

    Here's a concise history of where I've gone so far and when things started falling apart:

    • Started unemployed and got a job at Gottne IF. Waited until *after* the season review then joined...
    • Umea FC, where I stayed for a season, and again waited until *after* the season review then joined...
    • Malmo FF where I stayed for a season, but resigned 2 games *before* the season review to take up an offer from...
    • Stad de Reims, where I finished the season in Ligue 1 (2026)

    So here are the issues I"ve observed after the end of the season with Stad de Reims:

    •  Job History. My job history hasn't been updated since leaving Malmo. Not a sniff of any time at Reims. Current game date is June 2026. Screenshot attached


    • Season Review Presentations. Didn't get a season review presentation at Reims. Got an email in my inbox but no link to the presentation that usually appears (bottom right corner). In my experience, if this happens once, it will continue to happen for the duration of the save no matter how many seasons I play. Screenshot of inbox entry attached



    • Manager Timeline. I achieved 5th place in Ligue 1 with Reims which is pretty respectable but the manager timeline had two confusing entries - "Where's the Goal?" and "Pointless" which seem somewhat derisory but our league finish was anything but. These entries make no sense whatsoever.



    Interestingly enough, the graphical job history at the bottom of the timeline seems to reflect things correctly:


    Analysis / Experimentation

    From what I've observed over a couple of different saves is this aberrant behaviour seems to be triggered by moving clubs *before* a season review is/was presented for your last club.

    In an effort to confirm this, I took my earlier save at Malmo FF, waited for the season review presentation to show, then resigned and moved on to Stuttgart where I simmed the remainder of the Bundesliga season (with the editor so I couldn't get sacked) to the penultimate day before the final playoff - lo and behold I was presented with a season review presentation and my job history was also shown correctly.



    Further Information

    There were no custom databases loaded for this save and it used the latest db (2330 ?)

    These issues, minor as they may be are killing the immersion factor of the game for me, particularly when you consider the amount of time that goes into a longer save.

    As things stand it does not feel 'safe' to move to another club in fear of the above issues irrevocably spilling out, and I'm tempted to down tools and walk away.

    Do you not have automated CI checks for simple game mechanics such as club transitions? Regression tests?

    I'm a contract software tester with over 30 years of experience - my rates are reasonable. #justsayin :-)







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    Upon further investigation, it would appear that this anomaly only happens when I manage teams in the French leagues (so far, only Ligue 1).

    In the above save, I chose to

    • leave Malmo and go to Kaiserslautern (end of season review popped ok)
    • leave Kaiserslautern and go to Lyon (end of season review did *not* pop, as above for Reims)
    • leave Lyon and go to Schalke 04 (end of season review popped but seemed slightly broken - no backgrounds of confetti appeared and no email button/link)

    Are there some anomalies in the French league here? This has only happened for me with French clubs I managed over different saves (Amiens, Bordeaux, Reims, and now Lyon) - every other club I managed prior to those (primarily in England, Scotland, Sweden, everything seemed to work ok.). Again, no custom additions or modifications to the French league here.

    I've included some screenshots of the 'broken' end of season review for Schalke:









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    One other thing, this was a 'start from nothing' / unemployed type save (no qualifications, experience, etc.) so started with a country complement of smaller nations, plus Germany

    • Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Iceland

    as my qualifications and experience grew, I added more major nations:

    • France, England, Spain, Italy, Scotland

    and removed the smaller nations I wasn't interested in anymore:

    • Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway, Iceland

    Could it be that this anomaly I've experienced only happened for France (so far) as this was an added nation later during the save? i.e. could it happen for the other nations I've added later in the save (England, Spain, Italy, Scotland) as it did for France? I find it a bit strange it didn't happen for Germany, but then Germany had been included from the start.

    If I have time, I may sim some other scenarios and confirm...

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    I've uploaded 2 x save files for you:

    • Stad_De_Reims_Before_End_Of_Season.fm - This is the original journey. If you load an advance this by a day or two, hopefully, you will see what I see, and the season review presentation *not* popping. The illogical manager timeline entries are also present.
    • only-france-marseille-end-of-season.fm - This a simmed career for 1 season, with only France loaded. There's 1 game to go but should also show that the season review presentation does not pop shortly afterward.

    Other information:

    • Platform: MacOS Mac OS Ventura
    • Steam: latest client, etc.
    • DB: 2330, no custom additions in either case
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