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  • Limit of scouts change from 6 to 0 at the end of the season with healthy bank balance

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    I have 8 milion euros and no debt - club is financial stable. I am 5 matches from finishing league as champion and in final of Polish FA Cup (I play as Legia). End of season two (6 may 2024)

    My owner changed limit of scouts from 6 to 0 and chief scout from 1 to 0.



    staff legia.png


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    • Administrators

    Do you have any money assigned to your scouting budget? Not having any will reduce the number of scouts you have to 0.

    Let us know, thanks. 

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    • Administrators

    Yeah as said it's an issue we're aware of related to scouting budgets - if you increase (which you can do easier for the following season when new budgets are assigned) the number will return to the correct one.

    We'll look to address this in the future, but as a workaround you can do the above for now. Thanks. 

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