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  • Missing Job History

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    I dislike how it shows an empty season at VPS just because I joined before the cutoff date, but more bizarrely, my first job is now missing entirely.



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    7 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Thank you for the save. We'll review further.

    Oddly, it seems to be fluctuating now. First it wasn't broken.

    Then, after updating the game, it changed so that my prior team was now visible again, AND it finally fixed the issue where you get those redundant blank years appearing just because you joined right before the league switched over, even though you didn't manage a single match in that season.

    Or so I thought - now it's back to being broken again AND showing that redundant empty year.

    Ideally we could get it to how it was in the middle, so just FAC Wien, VPS D2, VPS D1, clean and easy.

    Edited by Weston
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