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  • Player career stats messed up.


    Description of issue

    I've been running my first season with Juventus, all seemed fine until during a match I noticed the comment "He scores his first goal for Juventus!" which I thought was strange as I was fairly sure that player already scored during the season (in fact I think he scored at his debut).

    Long story short I checked his page and, sure enough, his career stats says he played 4 matches and scored one goal. His season stats however state (correctly) he played 21 matches (3 as a sub) scoring 7 goals. Checking further I noticed several players have the same issue, correct seasonal stats, messed up career stats for the club.

    Now, it is a minor issue (the game doesn't crash, everything else works fine) but it's so annoying I can't go on with the game and even restarting the season seems a bother because the issue may happen again.


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