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  • Player/Staff/Club Landmarks Milestones not registering

    Adrià Planes
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    Hello fellow gamers,

    I've been having this problem, where no trophies/records/stats are registering. I'm on the ending of my 3rd in game season right now and ever since the beginning of 2nd season and after probably an antivirus incident, that probably purged a history in game related file, i cannot manage to get the game to record any of the aforementioned things. Resulting into what the picture shows below. I would really appreciate any help and info i can get to turn this slump i'm in around. It's breaking the immersion. Thank you very much guys.

    Player History Career Stats .JPG

    Club Landmarks page.JPG


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    4 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, can you please upload your save file to our cloud. You can see how with the link below.


    Alright, will do. Thanks for getting back at me.

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    Tried uploading it thrice, with this message popping every time after some time(not right way). I don't know if the save file has been uploaded to the cloud, you'll tell me that i guess. Pic is below. Perhaps it's because i had the game running on that save file i was trying to upload but i can't be sure. Thus, im re-uploading it. Let me know pretty please.


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    On 30/08/2023 at 16:56, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi, it doesn't seem to have uploaded.

    Can you please try again, making sure FM is closed/not running.

    Sincerely sorry for not responding, but work got the better of me. I did send it again though yesterday. So idk if it is up on the cloud or not. Nevertheless, i'll give it another go in an hour before i hit the bed. Let me know very please.  

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    On 30/08/2023 at 16:56, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi, it doesn't seem to have uploaded.

    Can you please try again, making sure FM is closed/not running.

    I'm trying to upload, but it won't let me. It just shows this message. Do you have any idea why? What could the reasons be showing me this message?


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    On 04/09/2023 at 14:54, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi @Adrià Planes

    Can you please try renaming the file and moving it to a different part of your PC say your Desktop, then try again, thank you.

    Haven't had a response, and i did sent the file twice. Both of those more recent times from the workplace's PC to rule out something going wrong with mine. Same result as the pic shows when i was sending them from my PC. "Save file named <whatevername> is locked. Please try again later" yada yada yada

    What is up? @Zachary Whyte

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    • Administrators

    Hi, I'm not sure why your file doesn't upload, we don't have this issue with anyone else.

    A thing to try would be uploading your save to a third party website then sending me a download link.

    Also, can I just ask if you are using any custom files/content? Looking at your screenshots, that is most likely what is causing the issue.

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    If you go to the 'Game Status' screen under 'Database Changes' what number does it read.

    It terms of a Custom Skin you'll need to tell me if you've installed one at any point for FM23. 

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    On 25/09/2023 at 14:20, Zachary Whyte said:

    If you go to the 'Game Status' screen under 'Database Changes' what number does it read.

    It terms of a Custom Skin you'll need to tell me if you've installed one at any point for FM23. 

    • It reads, Database Changes: 0


    • Not using a Custom Skin, no.

    And i managed to upload the save. This is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FTQMY6GvNRa5RiJH0rpjefsaO3eZT8eX/view?usp=drive_link

    The issues are as i reported them above. Only this time i have to add another problem.

    This one


    Previous years trophies are also gone and it happened the last in game month. For all teams.

    Let me know what you think. Thank you very much for your time and effort.


    EDIT: The game recognizes that the previous years achievements/trophies etc etc, happened and which teams got them(via the inbox/general text/conversations) but they are just not displaying in their appropriate tabs.

    EDIT2: @Zachary Whyte I accepted the request. I have no idea if you're already looking into it.

    Edited by Adrià Planes
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