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  • Scotland - Newly Promoted Clubs Cannot use Under 18's

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    I am playing in Scotland as The Spartans having holidayed for a year.  When you take over and so far (I am half a season into managing them), I am unable to appoint ANY staff to the Under 18's, nor can I advertise for the posts.  Furthermore, any players in my main squad cannot be moved down to the Under 18's - there is no option for this.  I have tried with other newly promoted sides too and it is the same.

    Please note and this is not a criticism, this is the third year running I have reported this issue.

    To replicate - Holiday for a year.  Save to enable a promoted side winning the playoffs.  Holiday again until 25 June 2023.  Take over at newly promoted club in League Two.


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    Really sorry you've had to report this again for the third year again, it may very well have been that the issue was backlogged as we may not have had the resources to implement the change at present, or we're waiting for more wholescale changes to be included before we can include this one.

    Rest assured we've got visibility on it, and we'll see if we can do anything further this time around. 

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    I would note that this is not an issue isolated to newly promoted sides to the Scottish League Two. Just starting second season at East Fife and have similar issue of seemingly having the potential to appoint U18 staff, but cannot advertise or offer contracts for U18 positions to staff more generally. Also similar issue with not being able to moving players down to the U18s as well. 





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    Is this issue going to be fixed? It’s a bit unacceptable, to be frank, that it appears this issue has been known & present in the last 3 versions of the game. 

    Edited by angelo994
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    Based on a few hours of testing last night, it appears players can be moved to and from U18 sides. Staff, however, cannot be hired for U18 sides -- there is no direct option in contract  negotiations, nor can an advert be placed.

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    Just wanted to post partly to give this a bump, but also to say the issue is still present.  I'm in season 6 in the Scottish Championship after starting in league 2.  Initially i faced the issue where I couldn't move players around my squads but can confirm this was resolved in the last update.  I am still unable to hire any staff for my reserve team though, which limits what i'm able to do with youth development.  Should we expect a fix on the next update?

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    Issue still seems present following the winter update.

    Just started a save taking over East Kilbride on June 25th 2023 and I can move players to and from the u18s but no option of hiring staff for u18s, placing adverts for u18s.

    I will try to delegate staff appointments to the chairperson but I can’t see that working either 

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