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  • Softlock when replacing injured player

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    Description of issue

    At the end of a game, I chose to replace a slightly injured left back and a tired central defender with my last two subs. Before those went through, I was notified that my striker picked up a more serious injury and had to come off, and was given the opportunity to replace him. After doing so, and clicking through, I was taken to the screen where you talk to the players before they go on, and noticed that the game had chosen to bring on my backup central defender, as well as the backup striker. I needed to replace the striker, but with the last sub I would rather replace my left back (who had a minor injury) than my center back (who was merely tired) so when it asked for confirmation I said no, intending to make that change instead. After this, the game will not bring back up the tactics screen to make subs, but it also cannot continue, because there is an injured player on the field, so it was softlocked, as far as I could tell. I even attempted to leave the match and go on holiday for a day to get through it, but it wouldn't let me. Lacking anything else to do, I closed the game and will have to replay the save from the start of that match.


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