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  • Unemployed staff retires incredibly early

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    I already posted this bug for FM21 but it was ignored. Unfortunately I can't find it in my post history anymore so let me go through this again.

    In a (fairly) long term save, one of my favourite things to do is scout retiring players that look like will be promising staff members and hire them for my U19s/Reserves so they can go on and become good managers. As the number of staff you can hire is limited, I would keep a shortlist of these staff members/former players to replace a seat as soon as they leave my team. 

    Unfortunately, I noticed this super-annoying trend that if said staff members don't get employed for an amount of time (usually about 2 seasons), they just dissappear from the game. This doesn't only happen to "new" staff, it happens to existing, high CA staff as well. Even the ingame editor can't help anymore after I see in my news that these people completely retired, as they get deleted from the game. This also happens to unemployed managers, before retiring "age" (so about 50 years old managers dissappearing if they can't find a job in 2 years). 

    I attached some screenshots to prove my issue. You can see Bath has some insane stats yet he dissappears 2 years into unnemployment. Lasse Schone looks like a promising future manager, was wanted by a couple of teams for a while, but the game decided to delete him. This happened in every save I did so far where I have at least 3 seasons in.






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    On 07/12/2022 at 15:27, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, could you provide us with a save file to investigate. Perhaps a save just before one of these staff members retire, thank you.


    I've uploaded it on ownCloud and it's named Untebarra - Usu.fm . Not sure how to link it though.

    This particular save is using a editor data that creates another league, and unfortunately I had already autosaved after the fact. But it happens almost every year, I notice it when I shortlist a lot of staff members.

    I had it happen on my Barcelona save with no editor data loaded too, but I deleted that before the new update.

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    Coming back to this to say that something worse has happened now - a staff member retired WHILE he was part of my coaching team. At 37 years old! And with huge PA.

    I signed him up fairly recently, but only a few months after he retired as a player. I'm guessing the game already decided he was going to retire as staff in the summer because of no job and it didn't reset after I signed him.

    Save game: Leon Galanes - Real Nicosa.fm



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    Another occurence of this issue, but this time I got 3 staff members that say on their profile that they are retiring on the date 5/12/2026, which is today in the save file. Might be more helpful to investigae since it's right before they retire.

    All 3 guys are 150+ PA and can be found in my staff shortlist: Mohamed Diame, Jerome Hinck (low CA so understandable), Stephane Tritz.

    Reuploaded at time of comment: Leon Galanes - Real Nicosa.fm

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