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  • Wrong positions assigned when loading saved Set Piece Routines

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Whenever I load in a collection of Set Piece routines, or even individual routines, the 'layout' of the routine is correct, but the wrong player positions are moved into most of the positions.

    I have attached a folder containing my saved set pieces, *.fmf files starting with FK are Free-Kick Routines, TI are Throw In Routines. There are also two routine collections in there.


    An example of the steps to reproduce:

    The routine FK_ATTACK_LEFT_DIRECT_1 was created for Attacking Direct Free-Kicks from the Left Hand Side. When I saved the routine everything looked fine. When I try and reload the routine into Football Manager 2023, only the AMR player is in the correct position, all the others have 'swapped' as below:

    • STC is in DL position
    • DM is in the DCL position
    • DCL is in the DCR position
    • DCR is in the DR position
    • MCR is in the MCL position
    • DR is in the MCR position
    • AML is in the DM position
    • DL is in the STC position
    • MCL is in the AML position

    Similar player swaps have happened with every single one of the routines I have created, making the entire process useless. All the routines uploaded in the ZIP file should be named in a way that makes it easy to understand what situations they are for. 

    I have also attached one picture of the routine as it was saved, and another showing what happens when I load it for comparison of the issue.


    Original Positions when Saved:



    'Wrong' Positions when Loaded:


    set pieces.zip


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    • Administrators

    Appreciate you attaching the files here too, we'll take a look into things but given the time of year it may not be until future editions before you see any changes. Thank you nonetheless.

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