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  • Problem with the registration of a manually created player

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None

    Hi. I created a player in the editor (along with other changes) and I assigned him to a team.

    When I try to register him for the games, I press the "check" but after half a second or so (the animation even starts, so for a few instants you see the check choosed) comes back to the X. The number of choosen players and so doesn't even change. If I choose automatic selection it also doesn't choose the player.

    Gif of the problem


    As a workaround, I tried 3 things:

    -If I load the save again, it let me register them normally (I can click the button, it is registrated and then I confirm and the player is available to play). Problem is, even if I save the game and such, there is a point where after closing it and reopen or after some days in game pass, the player is not registered again

    -If I try to start the match with the player not registered (and the registration period opened), the sign of "a player will be registered" when you try to send the team appears, I click ok, player is registered for that game and, again, after some time it will be not registered again

    -If I go to vacation (with the orders of using the same team-tactics) and come back after a game, the player played that game, but still apears as not registered


    So, the main problem is that all the workarounds don't fix anything, as they are only useful when the inscription period is active, but after that, I'd loose the player for the rest of the tournament (I went to vacation for all the tournament and in the next the same happens, so I don't think it's related to seasons or something like that). Also, this problem is happenning only with the only created player, rest of base players (some edited, but still an original player of the game) works well



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