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  • Random people all having the exact same specific scouting knowledge for some reason

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    Don't understand it. Here are just a few. Am I missing something?



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    This is set as part of a nation's Transfer Preferences, to model the nations which scouts from Finland will typically have knowledge of. I'll pass this onto @Vesse to judge whether these may need altering. Thanks for raising!

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    1 hour ago, Tom Elliott said:

    This is set as part of a nation's Transfer Preferences, to model the nations which scouts from Finland will typically have knowledge of. I'll pass this onto @Vesse to judge whether these may need altering. Thanks for raising!

    Just seems like an oddly specific set of disconnected countries for like 99% of staff to have a lockstep identical knowledge of regardless of the reason. But I am curious as to what the reason is that this set of nations was selected, especially considering most are out of the scouting range.

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    I'll look into this.

    I do remember that some of these countries were set back in the day when the idea was to control a bit from which countries the majority of the foreign players are coming to Finnish series.

    It was never meant to affect scouts knowledge directly as seen here, so the transfer preferences needs to be updated.

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    26 minutes ago, Vesse said:

    I'll look into this.

    I do remember that some of these countries were set back in the day when the idea was to control a bit from which countries the majority of the foreign players are coming to Finnish series.

    It was never meant to affect scouts knowledge directly as seen here, so the transfer preferences needs to be updated.

    Out of curiosity, what is the logic behind controlling which countries clubs from certain leagues sign from? For example, I noticed a lot of Nigerian players in Latvia, which seemed rather random (but Latvian staff had different knowledge, if I recall correctly).

    Do Finnish clubs across the board really go out of their way to farm talent from those places in real life? I don't know.

    Just seems strange to have 0 knowledge of neighboring Sweden and Norway, but be very familiar with two African nations a world away that 1) aren't in scouting range and 2) don't even share a border.

    Edited by Weston
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    It's not as straight-forward - one can set a rough level of transfer activity from certain countries/regions/continents such as "no transfer", "limited", "only high level" etc.

    This was originally used to prevent certain countries and regions from flooding the transfers. Can't remember in which FM version it was, but for example clubs from Middle Easter countries kept signing Finnish players way too often, so the transfer preferences were used to control this.

    Then later IRL there were many players from certain African countries joining first three, even four, levels of Finnish system, so transfer preferences were added to emphasize this a bit.

    I'm not sure when it started, but it's seems that the same data has then been used for scout knowledge - which is wrong.

    I've now removed the transfer preferences from ORDB and I'll check what happens once the data is available for testing.

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    Thanks for the explanation.

    The more I look into it, though, the more I am confused about staff knowledge in general.

    How does this guy who played in Russia for 5 years have no knowledge of Russia?


    How does this guy have no knowledge at all, somehow?


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    Seeing another with no knowledge at all. @Vesse do you know if they actually have no knowledge or is this an issue with displaying what they have? Never seen this before - surely they at least know their home nation. The level of scout I'm able to hire at this point won't have great attributes, so the knowledge they come with is arguably more valuable at least for a while.

    Made a separate post with the other example.

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