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  • Asking staff to remain at club

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None

    This relates to FM22 and earlier versions.

    It has long been possible to try to convince a member of staff to staff when they are approached by another club.  In my experience I am always able to talk them into staying by selecting the first option (we have a good working relationship).  They will either agree (rarely) and immediately reject the offer from the other club, or they will disagree.  If they disagree I apologise and backdown (the first option available) and they will leave relatively happy.  Then a few days later they will reject the other club.  I don't recall this ever failing and works even if the staff member is approached by a much bigger club and likely to be offered more in wages (I am guessing, based on their current salary and size of other club).

    I have always assumed this is an intended mechanic but it could be a bug.

    I will add some screenshots


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    Then the next couple



    This will continue throughout the summer for any staff approached.  I won't bother posting any more images.

    Year joined:

    Lowndes 2048

    Murphy 2041

    Nagle 2043

    Waite 2050 (10 May, so been at club for ~13months)

    Mendes 2044

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