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  • Can't Hire Assistant Manager

    • Public Status: Info Provided Files Uploaded: None

    I agreed a mutual termination with my assistant manager. I then tried to sign a new AM but I get a message saying that I have to fire another coach in order to replace him with a new staff member. I also don't see an empty slot for AM in the staff overview screen.

    AM signing blocked.png

    No AM Slot.png


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    • SI Staff

    Hello, the issue with assistants not showing on 'staff - overview' page is known UI issue. We are looking to fix.

    You don't have a specific 'slot' for assistants as you are is allowed multiple assistants (as shown in brackets after the coaching numbers), so they form part of the 9/9.

    As you are at maximum capacity, you will need to release another member of the coaching staff to make space. Hope this was helpful.

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