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  • Preferred position promise issue

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None


    First of all, I'd like to say I usually play in spanish language, so, excuse me for any english misspelling...

    I hired 2 or 3 players and one of the conditions to sign my team was to play in their preferred position.

    One of them, Sergey Pugach, the first I signed wanted to play in "Mediocentro" with a "Mediocentro" role. As my interface is in spanish all went fine until they warned me that the promise had been broken.

    I built a formation only to fit this position to this player to prevent that but when I realised that was not working it was late.

    The player had been playing in that position with that role in several games in the starting squad, but not in every game. (see screenshot)

    He has given me a second chance but despite he played another game in the supposed desired position, it's still not working.

    When I changed the language to english in my interface I realised that the position name the player is demanding is already in spanish despite the position he occupied in the squad has changed correctly to english. (see screenshot)

    Does the language issue plays an important role in the promise issue?

    Does the player need to play even more games to consider the promise complete?

    Despite the language, is there an issue with this kind of promises?

    I attach a couple of screenshots I hope that would help. I will stop playing until this is fixed to avoid bad consequences in the game

    S. Pugach league games position history.png

    Promise already failed 1st chance - language bug.png


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    I forgot to say, "Mediocentro" in spanish is translated into "Defensive Midfielder" in english.

    Same issue with other two players (K. Kozel and E. Leschinskiy)

    I highlighted the relevant info in the screenshots attached in this comment

    Promise already failed 1st chance - language bug.png

    S. Pugach league games position history.png

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    Would you be able to provide a save file please, ideally just before the promise has been allegedly broken if that's alright?

    We wouldn't be able to implement any fixes for FM23 now at this stage, so if we do find a bug we'll aim to investigate ahead of FM24.


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    Hello again,

    I, fortunately, have a savegame few game days before the promise broken.

    I'll upload using the SI cloud service. The file is named "Gerard Membrado - En paro (v02).fm"

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    The file is already uploaded.

    Are you telling me that you're not going to release any update to fix all those issues reported in this forum (not only mine)?

    This afects directly, not only the game experience but the game usage, and in my opinion is not a minor bug. I know that probably you personally cannot do a simgle thing to help me but this tells a lot about the studio politics.

    Footballers will keep asking for promises, clubs will be having "B" teams (related to another issue I found in the forum) and so on.

    In short terms, I can do ABSOLUTELY nothing to play this game normally and enjoy it. Good to know before I pay again. A true pity because the game in general terms looks great. Is like you buy a Ferrari which engine stops every 10 kilometers, look great, is comfortable, and you enjoy it until the engine stops again. It makes non sense and it's useless.

    Do whatever you can. I'll be waiting for any answer or possible solution anyway

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