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    I've made 3 different scouting filters with very general requirements, but my scouts can't find anyone who fits. When I set my scouts to do the delegation of assignments they can easily find players, but when I put in the requirements I get no results even though my filter is broader. I've uploaded the save to the cloud.


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    Hello, we've taken a look at your save, and it seems that your scouts are overworked which will slow down them presenting results.

    It would be worth unticking 'keep reports up to date' on the shortlist so they have less work upon them.

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    5 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, we've taken a look at your save, and it seems that your scouts are overworked which will slow down them presenting results.

    It would be worth unticking 'keep reports up to date' on the shortlist so they have less work upon them.

    I just don't understand why it's not a problem when I place the responsibility of delegating assignments to my chief scout. He wanted us to find a CB and multiple results was quickly back.

    That said, it makes sense that I have a lot of people, who I manually found through the player search, on my shortlist which may be overworking them. I will be back with results after I try unticking it. :)

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