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  • randomly deleting and multiplying assignments and randomly changing scout assignments

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    Not really sure how to recreate it, it seems to happen at random and any edit causes new seemingly totally random


    Essentially when i first noticed it on the scouting coverage page a bunch of the regions i was scouting were no longer highlighted. When clicking on the scouts to see what they were scouting instead multiple had started scouting the same region. I had set every focus to ongoing and did not have responsibilities for any staff member to edit scout assignments other than myself. Since then the scouting coverage and recruitment focus screen have been totally broken. I had to recreate all the ones that were broken but creating new ones created random issues, unassigning scouts, changing the priority and duplicating an assignment multiple times that already existed instead of creating or restarting the one i wanted, scouts would constantly change what they were working on at random despite what i had actually assigned them to. Deleting the duplicates actually caused totally random scouting assingments that had no issue to be deleted instead. once i had it fixed things seemed to work for a while until a scout was poached, all the assignments remained including his though presumably no scout was actually working it. When i hired a new scout i edited it to change nothing other than the scout in charge. This deleted more than half of my assignments and duplicated the others including duplicating one  5 times, leaving half my scouts with no assignments and 1 scout with 5 identical ones. I havent seen anything like this in the forum so i uploaded my save file and hope something can fix this. i also attached a screenshot that shows how many of the assignments had been duplicated in the menu. and another showing my scouts now without assignments 



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    Happens to me also. Nothing works. Scouting is absolutely gamebreaking and not working at all.

    Scouting assignments get deleted, ended assignments starts again and so on and so forth.

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    • SI Staff

    Sorry to hear this is impacting your saves. Would you be able to share your save game a day before one of these changes in assignments/resets in assignments take place so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here:


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