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  • Recruitment Focus Filters

    • Public Status: Resolved Files Uploaded: None

    Some may be intentional elements of the new feature but will list all below, any follow up saves/more info needed just let me know:

    - Cannot add filter for any attribute minimums, ranges or even of importance - I that get specific numbers may not reflect real world scouting, but since the scouts will find these attributes I should still be able to set a minimum as a criteria to help filter reccomendations.

    No filter, or way to include, values around estimated value/club willingness to sell so half my reccomendations are way over budget or just moved club/not interested for example. I know agent conversations are part of this but considering its a master filter in player search some level should surely be applicable in recruitment focus' so you dont have to ask (and annoy) every player on the list just to check if they'd consider the club.

    - Cannot filter for work permit with 'OR' criteriea. For example, 'is likely to recieve work permit' or 'N/A' - meaning duplicate focus' just to cover work permit considerations

    - Cannot rule out regions for focus eg. I keep getting a long list of argentines at RB Leipzig (no idea why, not particular scout who loves Argentina or region focus allocated) so i want to exclude the region from the focus to stop repeating the same problem. 


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    • Administrators

    Thanks for raising these, the majority of which are known and being investigated by the team.

    Just to be clear on one of them, the top issue you've raised is like that intentionally by design. Appreciate your feedback on the fact and like everything raised in the community will be considered for future versions. But as things stand won't change for FM23.


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    • Administrators

    Believe this has now been resolved in a previous update, thank you for your patience. Do let us know if you spot anything similar.

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