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  • Recruitment focus/scout assignment issues - no recommendations at all and Next match planned N/A

    Jack Davies
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    Description of issue


    Playing the beta save, it felt I was getting next to no recruitment focus recommendations at all (maybe 2 or 3 recommendations in a 6 month period with 10 scouts).

    I have seen other posts here with similar issues so I waited until the full game release and have done some testing in the new game.


    The test

    What I have done is sent 3 scouts to Countries they have complete knowledge in to do recruitment focuses with very low parameters to encourage results and recommendations. These scouts were working on this for 2 months in game.

    1 scout sent to Brazil. 3 ½ star grey current ability, 1 ½ gold star potential ability. Age max 23.

    1 scout sent to Ivory Coast and Ghana, ½ grey star current ability, 1 gold star current ability. Age max 23.

    1 scout sent to Uruguay 2 ½ grey star current ability, 1 ½ gold star potential ability. Age max 23.


    My expected behavior of game

    The “in progress players” once reach extensive knowledge, should either be moved out of “in progress” and moved to either a “near match” or “recommendation” and then to move onto new players to scout in the “in progress” section.


    Actual behavior of game.

    After 2 months in game time I got no (zero) recommendations from all three recruitment focuses!

    The Brazil scout had the same 27 players stuck on extensive knowledge on the in progress section for the whole time.  

    The Uruguay scout had the same 20 players stuck on extensive knowledge on the in progress section for approximately 6 weeks, no recommendations, and then moved onto new players.  

    The Ghana and Ivory Coast scout had the same 2 players stuck on extensive knowledge on the in progress section for about 6 weeks no recommendations, and then moved onto 5 new players.



    Main issues generated from this test are the following

    There should be many recommendations from the recruitment focuses for such low parameters.

    Next match planned is always N/A for the scouts

    The Ghana/Ivory Coast scout only looked at 7 players in 2 months. They should be scouting a lot more players considering I have loaded all players from top division for those 2 countries.


    I have uploaded the following save games at different points through this test for you to look at.

    1. Start of scout test Jack Davies - Aston Villa.fm This was saved at 18th July

    2. Stop point 1 19th Aug - Jack Davies.fm This was saved at 19th August

    3.Stop point 2 16th Sep - Jack Davies.fm This was saved at 16th September


    Please let me know if you have any queries about anything I’ve said/sent.

    I have to say I really hope this can be fixed soon, because this headline feature has been a huge disappointment. (unless I really have the wrong end of the stick about how this should work)

    Thank you for looking into this,



    No recommendations.PNG

    Ivory Coast Ghana.PNG




    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    I just want to add I am also seeing this issue in my save with Panathinaikos. I send my scouts out to regions and countries with a low threshold for CA and PA and I see my scouts are not attempting to scout that area after several weeks

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    Hello, the focuses when ongoing 'end' and then 'restart', with the previous results being filed in the completed section.

    So if you navigate to the completed focus, you can see Uruguay ended and had 20 recommendations in the September save provided.

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    12 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, the focuses when ongoing 'end' and then 'restart', with the previous results being filed in the completed section.

    So if you navigate to the completed focus, you can see Uruguay ended and had 20 recommendations in the September save provided.

    terrible design choice

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    Hi Zachary, 

    Thanks very much for the support much appreciated, I can see them there now :)  Bit of confusion from my side as I would have assumed they would have been in the ongoing one, but once you know they are in the completed section those individual recommended and near miss tabs works as expected so happy about that, thanks! 

    My only other query would be that the Brazil ongoing focus is taking an extremely long time to move into the completed section of recruitment focuses. I've just uploaded 3. Stop point 3 5th Nov - Jack Davies.fm save file. It's been nearly 5 months of having this ongoing recruitment focus and not one has moved to completed yet, surely is there something wrong with this recruitment focus? At this save point I have just uploaded, the other 2 scouts had moved 2 lots of ongoing recruitment focuses over to the completed section for me to review, yet not one for Brazil which is stuck with the same 27 players in the in progress tab.

    I think it may have something to do with the Sct appears in these screenshots. I had noticed with the Uruguay one, a Sct appeared at the in progress stage next to all of those players, and then shortly afterwards the recruitment focus moves to completed where you get your recommendations. This Sct has not happened with the Brazil in progress tab. 

    Kind regards, 


    Brazil no SCT.PNG

    Uruaguy SCT.PNG

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