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  • Scouts always busy with other tasks

    teh peng
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    Description of issue

    When checking my recruitment focuses, I found that all of them has an error message of "scouts are busy with other tasks, so results will take time". I then went to my scouting priorities and cancelled all the assignments, but the same error message still shows. 



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    I experience the same for all of my scouts. Here is Jannik Nielsen that apparently is busy with something other than scouting, since he has nothing on his scouting list.

    Also the message isn't localized.

    Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 18.28.06.png

    Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 18.28.25.png

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    Hello, looking at your save file you have too many recruitment focuses which is overworking your scouts. We'd recommend hiring more scouts or reducing their workload. 


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    59 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, looking at your save file you have too many recruitment focuses which is overworking your scouts. We'd recommend hiring more scouts or reducing their workload. 


    Hmm, I've assigned each scout to only one recruitment focus, which I think should be a reasonable workload, because otherwise they wouldn't be working at all?  Like the other user has said, maybe there could be more transparency on what is causing them to be overworked.

    edit: I can understand if someone assigned to scout a whole region (eg. south europe) is overworked, but I think it is totally unreasonable for someone assigned to scout only one nation to be overworked, especially when he already has full knowledge (Douglas Gramani with Brazil in my save).

    Edited by teh peng
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