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  • Squad Planner Issues

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    Description of issue


    I have found numerous squad planner issues when trying it out. I'll create a thread.

    First issue... if players are included in multiple shortlists, they appear multiple times on listings when trying to add a player from a shortlist.
    There's also going to be issues where if multiple players on the list have the same name, it will be difficult to determine what player is being added.
    The 'position' (Goalkeepers, Defenders, Midfielders, Attackers) is also a bit wishy washy. If I have 1,000 'Midfielders' and 1,000 'Attackers'... but a player plays both positions... there's no telling where he will show. I then need to troll through 2,000 players, that are often duplicated (so 2,000 minimum) to find one player. It would be good to select from a specific Shortlist in this drop down. For example, I have a 'Main Targets' Shortlist. I can then manage the long long lists at my own leisure.

    Screen shot attached to show the duplicated players from multiple shortlists, along with long wishy-washy listing of midfielders, some of which would be/are deemed strikers.

    Screenshot 2022-10-24 at 11.26.32.png


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    Next issue:

    When adding/downloading a Shortlist - it automatically added all the players to the planner. I 'imported' the shortlist, which annoyingly filled my 'Default' shortlist, which then auto populated all positions for all 3 sets in the planner (current season, next season and season after) with long long lists of players. The only way I could remove them all quickly, was to remove the shortlist.

    Two issues off the back of this:
    - How do I stop these being automatically being added to the planner?
    - How can I remove a mass amount of players from the planner, without having to remove hundreds of players individually, position-by-position, for all 3 planner sets (current season, next season and season after)

    I have uploaded the screen recording titled 'Shortlists Auto Add.mov'. You'll see when I load the shortlist, it automatically populates the planner on mass. This happens in two ways:
    - When I import a shortlist to my 'Default' shortlist
    - When I load a shortlist that exists in its own right.

    The only ways to remove these player from the planner (other than going through every player individually, three times for each season in the planner):
    - If I then 'Manage Shortlists' and delete the shortlist completely
    - If I then 'remove' all the players in the shortlist
    (both of the above need to be done, for them all to be removed)

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    Finally - is there a way to add a player to the planner directly, without needing to add them to a shortlist... to then go to the planner... and then sieve through thousands of players... to finally add him?

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