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  • 1 year option is ignored

    Badi Ekrem
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Info Provided

    Description of issue

    I started a career with Galatasaray (Türkiye) and on 31st of Dec 22 Juan Mata signed with another team even though i have an option to extend by 1 year if the club wants. 

    I am not sure if i need to have decided before 31st of Dec. in that case according to the real rules but i kinda felt like this could be a bug.



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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for the information. 

    This si working as intended. Once the player enters the final six months of his contract, the player is able to negotiate with any AI club, regardless of the clause in the players current contract. 

    If the user had activated this option before, or during Mata's negotiation with the AI club then his contract with Galatasaray would have been extended and the deal with the AI club would have been cancelled. 

    However once the deal with the AI club has been signed the optional extension clause with Galatasaray is void. 



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    ok for this case, let's say that we can understand the logic. I have another case where I don't know if we can apply the same logic with the clause "one year extension after league games (final season)

    In my case, it will be renewed if the player plays 25 games. In most of europeans calendar, it's impossible to reach the 25 games before the last 6 months and thus, the player can sign elsewhere.

    Is there a way to "block" him until the end of the season?



    Edited by S1ro
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    I guess it should be a better idea if the game lets us to use the Extension option even if the player signs for the other team. Because there are tons of messages and any message can be skipped easilly. I may not see it until he agreed with the third party for example. So, the game shouldnt allow players to sign with other clubs if there is an extension clause.

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