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  • Agent Discussions Not Working Sensibly

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    I want to know how much a player's wage demands will be, so I ask. The agent gives me a number that's far too high, so I tell him that's too high for us. Then I have only the options to "accept" or "stall" - no clear way to "walk away and end these discussions," so they the agent is knocking on my door again a week later asking where the contract is. Very annoying - I already told him the demands were not feasible for us.


    This is made even worse by the fact that apparently players will even reject your accepted offers because you allegedly didn't follow up on players you showed interest in? The below isn't from my own game but is deeply concerning.


    Why should we be punished for using a new feature? In my own line of work in real life I ask for ballpark ranges for fees all the time and no one ever accuses me of being a liar if no deal comes from it, especially if I say up front "that's too expensive, sorry."


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    • Administrators

    This is one we’ve already made changes for and the changes should be implemented soon. Shouldn’t be long before you see the improvements. 

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    4 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    This is one we’ve already made changes for and the changes should be implemented soon. Shouldn’t be long before you see the improvements. 

    Glad to hear!

    Will these adjacent issues be fixed alongside? It seems the entire big picture of agents and contracts is very broken at the moment, game-breakingly in some cases, and I imagine the problems are connected in some way.

    Each thread is filled with several examples, not all of the exact same problem, as I'm encountering so many issues in this area they're kind of piling up, leaving me almost entirely unable to sign players at times.


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    • Administrators

    Apologies I didn't respond in the first instant, but I'm going through the open issues now to mark off what has been fixed. If you see me comment on them then good chance it's fixed and working as intended. Can only apologise for the copy and paste response, I've got the full Bug Tracker to scour :D 

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