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  • Player Contract Negotiations

    Tentacle Pawn
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    If I for example wanna sign a guy, I can't give them their desired playtime, so I have to go one up or down, negotiate, and still I can't send the contract, so you have to go back, click on send while leaving, than negotiate again with the player, so that you can reach the details on the contract. Sorry for my english, I hope you still understand :O

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    I think, I just try to explain it instead. btw someone on the steam forums has the same problem, he did understand me ;D he recommended to post it here.  besides, i think im too much of a boomer, to upload and create screenshots ;D

    Every Player I want to sign, EVERYONE, it happens all the time. In the negotiations where he is saying i wanna be a Starplayer. I just cant click on yeah, okay you can do that. I have to lower him to Keyplayer or i just cant sign him. Or i have to add a language course, just to add something so i be able to say, lets negotiate. otherwise i cant click him. Also for youthplayers, they say i wanna be just a prospect. i cant say okay to that, i have to set them higher as they wanted or as i wanted it to be. the option to accept is always grey and not clickable. so u have to return, everytime, cause you cant send the offer. then the game asks you, hey you havent sent the offer yet, and that is where i say send. so im back on my homescreen and than i can continue negotiating the terms of the contract, like money, goals per game etc. when i wanted to hit the continue button on the top right.


    hope now its a little bit clearer ;o

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    • Administrators

    We'd really need a save game and some specific player examples in order to test this properly, would you be able to upload via our Cloud?


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