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  • Player Treating Loan Negotiation as Rejecting Move

    Sandy Tait
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Feels weird to be discovering a new (to me) bug in May but here we are! xD

    Received a loan deal offer with an optional future fee for a transfer-listed player, and I negotiated it to a mandatory fee, then accepted their counter-negotiation. However, the player was upset because I had "priced [them] out of the move", even though I had ultimately accepted the offer. I didn't worry about it too much as, assuming he accepted the contract, he was gone anyway, so I just said I was sorry and promised to accept any future offers. 

    Another offer then came in, and the exact same scenario played out - they offered an optional fee, I counter-offered a mandatory fee, we negotiated a bit, then I accepted their offer. And the player reacted as if I'd broken the promise, so looks like there's a persistent issue there with changing an Optional Fee loan to a Mandatory Fee loan being seen by the player as the offer being rejected rather than negotiated or something along those lines.

    On the bright side for me, because of him kicking up a fuss the first time I somehow talked him into doubling his asking price so I'm now set to make £48m from the deal instead of £24m! xD

    Uploaded save file is just as the second offer comes in, so fingers crossed if you negotiate it to a mandatory deal (I went for £20m for the mandatory fee and left the instalments as-is, then asked them to pay his full wages and accepted their counter-offer of *most* of his wages) you should get the same reaction from the player.image.thumb.png.4acd6872c3cda82b067a22f21625268e.pngimage.thumb.png.2c046e5f2d6e45764c99c81b1592e7f3.pngimage.thumb.png.d1d77d00d71f48fcd6cab8a349cc6d7c.png


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    Update: I now have the rest of the team complaining that I didn't let Frendrup leave, when he's gone out on loan with a mandatory future purchase! :lol:




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