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  • Promotion wage increases not taking effect

    • Public Status: Open Files Uploaded: None

    I just got promoted from Tier 3 to Tier 2 in Spain.  With both my manager's own contract and my player's contracts, none of the wages that had a promotion increase % agreed in the contract actually increased.  

    This is actually a problem because some of those contracts I signed with the idea that they'd get to over 80k per year upon promotion, as La Liga 2 has a 79k per year minimum salary to register a player.

    I know sometimes the game will mention "top division promotion" but in all of these contracts in merely says "promotion salary raise," so I would think going from 3 to 2 counts.

    I have a guy who I signed, while in Tier 3, to a contract with both a minimum release, a non-promotion release and a relegation release.  Since being promoted to Tier 2 only the minimum release (the highest of these 3 numbers, obviously) is displayed on his contract.  So, at least to some extent, the contracts realize I was promoted.

    My very poor team is likely to go right back down, so I'm kind of curious if the relegation salary drop will then go into effect and guys (both my manager and the players) will wind up making less money than if they had never been promoted in the first place.

    I have saves from both before and after the promotion and new season changeover I can share.  I have uploaded "Ze Porto - Huevla 20Jun27promod" and "Ze Porto 12jul27promod 2027.08.02" to show a before and after, but I have other files as well.  I put it on Vacation and did this a couple times and each time it doesn't raise the salaries.


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