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  • Design a son, attribute sliders are reverting back to 0.

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    My platform: Football Manager 2023 Console on PC



    This is also somewhat discussed in this other post and others have also reported the same thing there, but its not exactly the same thing with the original post so I am creating a new thread just for this issue

    Issue Description:

    When creating a son with the purchasable addon 'Design a Son' (or whatever it is called in the English ver.), attribute sliders are reverting back to 0 on Mental, Physical and Technical tabs. 

    Please check the attached video for a demonstration. 



    Some further observations;

    I noticed that even though the slider reverts back to 0 when you let go of it, only the last stat you have touched on the Mental, Physical and Technical tabs stays as you modified it.

    Please check the screenshot below; the last things i have touched on each tab are: Free Kicks, Positioning and Balance set to 20.

    The sliders reverted back to 0 while creating, but you can see that the created player has those stats as I have set them.

    (only the last modified stat stays as it is, the rest are reset, anything above 1 in the screenshot are randomized as i didn't touch them)



    Possible reason for this issue:

    There were boxes instead of sliders in the previous versions of the game (e.g. Football Manager 2022 Xbox Edition).

    In Football Manager 2023 Console edition, those boxes are changed to sliders instead.

    I believe this is one of the reasons, if not the reason, why this issue occurs. Please check the following screenshot.




    I literally only bought this game for this addon, and I cannot play it right now. So its just a dead game on my library for now. Hoping for a quick fix.


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    1 hour ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Thank you for the very detailed information. We have placed under review. :) 

    Thank you very much. Have a good day at work!

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    On 15/11/2022 at 00:14, Zachary Whyte said:

    Thank you for the very detailed information. We have placed under review. :) 

    Hi Zachary, as two weeks have passed since I reported this issue, and it is still not fixed; I applied for and got a refund from the Xbox store.

    Hope this issue will be fixed soon.



    Edited by hege
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    I have been having the same issue and it’s killing the game for me now as wanted to bring my son through with my golden generation. Just wondering if there is any update or any fixes on the way? 

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    On 14/11/2022 at 10:14, Zachary Whyte said:

    Thank you for the very detailed information. We have placed under review. :) 

    Todays update fixes some of the stuff but not everything. Currently, we can't access the positions Right Winger and Striker on the position tab. We can't access the last 2 attributes from Technical (Tackling and Technique) and Mental (Vision and Work rate) tabs. We can't access all the player traits either. This is due to the game not letting us be able to scroll down to access these. Also on the language screen, we can't add languages to the player. When ever we search for a language and click on it, nothing happens. It just closes. 

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